So today is Blog Action Day on Climate Change. Obviously this subject is close to my heart (this is Gobion btw) so I am taking part :)
With the Copenhagen COP-15 climate change negotiations soon upon us, I wanted to write about my first experience with the summits process in Climate Challenge 2010. It is also the first time I will start talking about particular game play elements, as the team are currently putting together the first rough cut of the game and the designers and developers let me loose on this bit of the game (so far). I got a chance to play with some of these rough elements of game play.
Before I go any further, a proviso: I'm not a designer or a developer for Climate Challenge 2010 – my main role is as spokesman for the company, and what I am writing here reflects my personal experience with the game. The game still has many months left of development and no doubt over time very many elements of the experience will change. It is a natural part of the design and testing process. So with that proviso in place, take this as a snap shot of work in progress from my perspective.
Summits are an interesting part of the game for me for several reasons:
- They are where I get the 12 regional groups to sign up to global level agreements
- They provided me a fun change of pace from regional fire-fighting, shifting my focus to the big picture
- They give me the chance to play out what goes on "under the hood" at these international negotiations.
The real world process of negotiation is one of convincing the various partners that they want to reach a common agreement, and that can be much trickier than it sounds. National negotiators generally want to add exceptions for elements they do not want, amendments to add in elements they
do want, follow the orders they have been given by their governments and to come out of the negotiations looking like they stronger/better/more willing party.
When multiple nations come together with these requirements tend to butt heads. Sometimes that can be worked out, but sometimes a party will just storm off in protest (or mock protest), or threaten to storm off in order to put more weight behind their requirements. International agreements are partly voluntary: unless you're prepared to go to war you can't make a sovereign nation sign something they don't like into law in their country.
The development team let me play with a first “rough cut” of the summits system. I was hoping that this part of the game would reflect the real world negotiation, back room dealing, posturing, and deal making; but of course I also hoped to be the driving force behind successful negotiations!
How did it work for me as a player?In the game I was given an initial agenda that I could accept or throw out (at the risk of the sponsoring parties leaving the table), and then add in my own issues. I found that some of the nations were especially willing to storm out – and that made me adjust my strategy a bit to try and keep them in, or if I couldn't to ensure that the regions I most wanted involved stayed in. If I couldn't get everyone to agree, maybe I could just satisfy the biggest players?
My draft agenda was haggled over and some of the regions added in riders, which surprised and intrigued me. Hopefully as this system continues to evolve as it made some agenda items I did not like become married to agenda items I did like. This felt a lot like the “real world” to me (though of course I could be wrong – but that was my impression!).
Once that stage was completed I had the chance to adjust the final agenda and put it to the vote. At this stage of production it was really tough: most regions refused to ratify my proposed agreement! (It was pointed out to me several times that this was pre-balancing.)
Overall I like this part of the game, and I plan to follow this post up with some thoughts from the design team themselves soon. In December myself and Hannah, our science advisor, from our team are going to the Copenhagen COP-15 negotiations. There I will get to see how my experiences in the game marry up with the real world which should be exciting. So expect more about summits soon!