Friday, February 26, 2010

Positech Games

One of the things about being an indie developer that is so great is getting to meet other indie developers and swap war stories. I was fortunate to spend the day today with Cliff Harris of Positech Games (maker of the excellent Gratuitous Space Battles, Democracy 1&2 and Kudos 1&2).

Democracy 2 is considered one of the benchmarks in real world gaming, and was a real inspiration for all of us at Red Redemption when we were considering how to make Climate Challenge into a fully featured PC game. If you have ever wanted to run a nation then pick it up from his website:

I got a lot of play out of Democracy 2 and it is a fine game. If you like where we are heading with Climate Challenge - check out Democracy 2 - it was a trail blazer!

Cliff was extremely generous with his time and we talked about all sorts of things. Excitingly for me I got to see the latest expansion for Gratuitous Space Battles ( which is a great game of epic space battles stripped of all the other exploration and diplomacy you normally get in these kind of games.

What you get instead is a beautiful, well realised, fun game of space battles where you can have many hours of enjoyment tweaking your fleets and challenging your friends. Highly recommended (I bought it as soon as it came out and it gets played a lot at my house :D)

Positech Games